Business Listing Updates for 2022

Bing Places

Bing Places and Bing Webmaster tools were hobbled with dysfunction until the middle of this past year and were not available for reliable functionality. Now Bing Webmaster Tools has had a significant facelift and is as useful as Google Search Console for diagnosing potential SEO and performance improvements.

We sent emails about looking for your Bing postcard in the mail. The postcard will have a PIN that we need to complete verification to manage the listing. Unfortunately, these postcard pins expire so please get back to us as soon as you receive them.

Apple Maps

Emails we sent also notified you about signing up on Apple Maps to control your business information on that platform. Apple Maps Connect has matured enough that we need to pay attention to this part of the market. Apple has always been big enough, but Apple Maps Connect wasn't what it is now, so now is when we all need to act.

Sign in with your Apple ID, create one if you don't have one, then follow the steps to verify your business. They will call your business phone number for the verification process. Contact us before or after you have completed the verification process, and we will provide the information to link us as a managing agency.


Why do we need to act now? One of the things that all the business listing ranking algorithms have in common is called "NAP Authority." The authority may as well be swapped out for consistency because consistent NAP across multiple platforms is what gives you NAP Authority. NAP stands for Name, Address, Phone Number. If you have not gotten back to us on either of these topics, please do so soon so we can have an impact before the start of the season.

Web Developer & SEO Specialist