Hardware and Software Upgrades, and a New Website Monitor

We have developed our own website monitoring system for websites under our management. The user interface will have a few more features in the near future as we wrap up the other changes we're rolling out, but it is otherwise ready for daily use. You can find the status monitor at https://status.gapcreekmedia.com. The system currently alerts us to HTTP Status Code changes, and we have plans to expand this to client notifications before the...

Downtime & Memory Management

Over the last week, we've had intermittent downtime across several websites. We identified the problem as a shortfall in memory when Mailpoet runs background processes. Our solution was to double the swap file size, creating a memory-to-CPU ratio that should prevent memory exhaustion. We're still watching this closely, but the results thus far look stable. Keep up with our blog or sign up for our Newsletter to stay informed about what we're doing to...


Hosting & Security

Update: We have since moved our hosting to Google Cloud. Read the update. We addressed improved security in a separate blog post. Read the update. We are moving from GoDaddy hosting to WP Engine Secure WordPress Hosting on a dedicated server. Having a dedicated server means that your website will not share computer hardware space with other websites as it does now. Instead, we will have dedicated resources, and as a result, your website...